Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Short, but not-so-sweet.

Well...the side effects have all crept back up again. I ended up having some nausea on Saturday night. Lots o' insomnia. And for yesterday and today, I should just repost the blog "Ouch". Unfortunately, the weird skin-nerve-muscle pain is back. The whole "wearing clothes thing" is sort of a problem again, but my principal did confirm yesterday that there really is nothing in the dress code that says we have to wear clothes. And what a great science lesson! :)

Anyhow...this is just a quick update...on my way to work. Will update later...


Linda. F. said...

Kim, keep your focus on work, home and just all the things you love in general! This stuff WILL pass and you will get beyond it!

Jessica said...

You crack me up! I'm sure the parents would love hearing about that science lesson! Hang in there hun. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we should start Naked Thursday to go along with Casual Friday. Just an idea.