Sunday, July 20, 2008

The "perks" of Hodgkin's.

To prepare for my PET scan tomorrow, I'm not allowed to have any caffeine or sugar starting today. Those of you who know me best, know the one beverage I have a slight addiction to: COFFEE. (And no...not black and decaf.)

So until 4:00 tomorrow afternoon...let me just say this: this sucks.

(Update: my husband just surprised me with breakfast. My day is looking up already!)


marna said...


I am thinking of you and praying for you! Thank you so much for sharing your blog with everyone. You've still got your terrific sense of humor! :) I'm so glad to hear you caught this early and the prognosis for the future is good. Hang in there and tell your Mom I'm praying for her too!

Elaine T. said...


I just want you to know that you are on my heart and in my prayers. Your mom told me about your diagnosis when I stopped by the school to update the website - obviously I hadn't checked my e-mail. In addition to your family and friends, know that you have your entire Moseley family behind you cheering you on to strength and health.

Be bold, be strong! (Joshua 1:9)

Much love,

Mom said...

One down and 5 to go....I love you.