Back to the story...I went in Tuesday afternoon and made a new mask. It was certainly as terrifying as the first time, but I did it. I thought knowing what to expect might help, and it did a little, but I still hated it.
Today I went in for what was called "verification". During this process, you actually go back to the treatment room. You lay on the table, the mask is put on (much tighter fit to the face than when making it, I might add) and x-rays are taken. This takes about 45 minutes. They line up the machine to the tattoos and then they marked all over my neck and chest in Sharpie again. I got 2 new tattoos and some pretty visible markings that must stay for the duration of radiation. They look like this:
One right in the middle of my neck and the other almost right in the middle of my chest. These markings are made with Sharpie and covered in tape so they last longer. You can actually see the remnants of leftover Sharpie all over my chest around these markings. Right in the center of each of these are the new tattoos that will be there forever. This was done the same way as the other three. That brings my total up to 5. They kinda look like gun targets. Matt thinks I should go as a sniper victim for Halloween. I think I maybe could work with that...
Debra, the nurse, told me they got my films done on the first try and that's rare. Either I'm really good at holding perfectly still or she's just full of compliments. So that concludes the preliminary portion of my radiation. The next step is actual radiation which will start on Monday afternoon. This schedule should put my last week of radiation around the first of December. There will be side effects with radiation and my most prominent one will probably be a sore throat. A lot of the side effects are the same as chemo: fatigue, nausea, etc. I'll post more about those later.
Thanks and goodnight.
Yikes Kim....I sure HOPE they would get it right this time!
Sending you ((HUGS))) and know the results will be good!
It is so interesting reading about this since my dad also underwent radiation. They targeted his vocal chord area where his tumor was and then a few months later he wore a mask fitted to his face - a mold of his face that looks just like him - for his brain radiation. He told me that they tell you to stay very still and since you don't want to get zapped in the wrong place, you DO stay very still! He said it goes really quickly - the actual radiation part. It's just getting "in position" that takes so long.
I don't know how it feels to go through this, but I do know this - you'll go through this just like you did chemo - with strength and grace!
I'm happy to hear the positioning and markings are finally to their standards! The sooner the better, let's get this started and finished, just like the chemo! I can't wait until December and this is nothing more than a memory. Of course prayers will def be for minimal side effects! You keep at it pretty Kim!!! :)
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