Tuesday, December 8, 2009

1 year down, 4 more to go...

Today is my one-year anniversary for officially being in remission. I planned on writing about it, but now...I don't know what to say. Actually I have so MUCH to say, I'm not certain how to condense it. A year ago I was told to "live my life again". And I have tried, certainly not without fail, to do that. I've had 2 scans that came back clean. I had my oh-so-precious mediport out. I overcame my ultimate fear--flying. My hair is almost back to being one length. I've had victories. I've been defeated. And now I've got one year down. And four more until I'm out of the woods.

When I came in to work today, I had treats waiting for me on my desk. A box full of donuts from Erin and a purple ribbon cake from Cheryl! I took pictures and as soon as I find the SD card adapter for my phone, I'll post them. I went out to dinner last night with my family and out to lunch today with Mom. And I talked to a creepy, 1-900 elf. Ha! All in all...a good day.

So I'll end on this: we've been having a tough time at work lately. I won't go into detail, but I'm frustrated beyond end with the politics of public school. And then I hear stuff like this and my heart melts. My kids actually DO listen to me! From one of my 3rd graders via his mom: "Hey, look Mom-it's Mrs. Riggle's very favorite sky outside!" ...to which he was referring to the very ominous looking rain clouds out. :)

Thanks for reading. Good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Kim, Happy Anniversary..."all I want for Christmas are continued clean scans..." to paraphrase the Christmas song. My niece who just finished chemo had a clean scan and seems to be doing well. Christ is born! Glorify Him! - Aunt Betty