Sunday, November 15, 2009

Good grief.

Right. Let me apologize for not updating sooner. This seems to be a recurring theme.

I finally got my results of my CT scan. They're NEGATIVE! We had a wee bit of a scare with it, though. When I called to get my results (like I always do), I didn't get them over the phone (like I always do). My nurse called me back on Friday (October 23rd...yeah, yeah--I procrastinated a bit) and said the doctor hadn't had a chance to look at them yet. She asked when my appointment was (November 2nd) and wondered why it was so far away. My oncologist's office is the one who makes the appointments and sends the date to me. I usually don't have a say in when it is. I told her I didn't know why it was so far after the scan. She suggested we make the appointment for the following Monday. She had 3 openings-all during the day-and knows that I teach, but urged me to come in during one of those times. I picked the first time available.

Let me explain now why this worried me. I've had several scans in the last year and a half. PET and CT. For every other CLEAN scan I've had, I called the next day, left a message with my nurse and she's called back to let me know the results. Yes, the doctor looks at them first. My nurse is just the messenger. But nonetheless, I get the results via phone. So when she didn't give them over the phone, I panicked. Now...I realize that a rational person might not have done so. I never claimed to be rational. :) Here's the thing though: I worried. And I had every right to. Unless you've been in my position, you have no idea what it feels like to wonder. I worry about it coming back. It's not constant, but seems to increase when I have a scan or check-up.

When I went to my appointment, I had a long talk with my doctor about this. She asked me if I worry about it. I said yes, isn't that normal?? To me, it is. It's real. It happened. And no matter how ridiculous it is, they're still my worries, feelings and thoughts. My doctor seemed to agree with this and pointed out that she has no idea how it feels...she's never been through it. Exactly.

Let me pause here: I wrote this earlier today. I just reread it before publishing it. Wow. I sound defensive. I'll apologize if I offend anyone, but I'm not changing it. The perks of writing your own blog. :)

So to finish. What we did find from the scan is that a gland in the right side of my neck is enlarged. Most likely due to radiation and should go away. I have to start getting mammograms in 5 years. Just a precaution since I had radiation on my windpipe. I get another scan in 6 months. Then, depending on the results, no more after that unless I have symptoms. Yippee!

Hopefully that's it. We did several Light the Night walks. Thanks to everyone who came out to walk with us. I have some pictures and will post those later. Also had a wonderful turnout at Chick-Fil-A! I'm waiting to get an exact total, but there were so many people there. The drive-thru line circled around the building consistently throughout the night and I heard there was no parking outside. Awesome!

Okey doke. Goodnight for now. 7 more days... :)


Jessica said...

Thank God!!!!!! I know I don't stay in touch like I should but I do think of and pray for you often. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Kim, Don't worry about being defensive; it's your life and you need to be proactive with the medical personnel...good news.

With prayers, Aunt Betty