Saturday, May 30, 2009

Awaiting the arrival of sweet baby J... and other news.

This post is written from the hospital room. The room in which my sister-in-law, Melony, is waiting. And that's it. Just waiting.

Most of you know, Mel's pregnant and was due on June 10th. She had a doctor's appointment on Thursday. Her blood pressure's been higher for a couple of weeks so the doctor advised admitting and inducing her last night. So now we're just waiting. They don't expect anything until around midnight. I'll keep this updated as the day goes on, but for now, here are some pics from last night:

Baby heartbeat!

And in other news...I'm healing quite nicely. I've taken off the bandages. Still bruised, but I'm able to move now. There's a pretty gnarly (ha!) scar there. I posted new pics under surgery.

Also, there's only 2 1/2 days left of school. I, unlike most teachers, do not look forward to the end of school. Especially this year. I have four kiddos moving on to middle school. *sniff, sniff*

Okay...check back later for updates!

UPDATE (7:38PM)--Still no baby. They'll check in an hour and then there's a possibility of a C-section. But for now...more fun pics!

Check back...we'll be up. :)

UPDATE (8:37PM)--C-section it is. They just wheeled her back. In an hour and a half, sweet baby J should make his appearance!!!

Updating the blog...

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I can't wait to see pictures of the baby!!!!!! Tell Brian and Mel we are praying for a safe and easy delivery and a healthy baby!!!!