Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Side effects

I've left my blog dormant for a couple of months. Much like my cancer. I feel I have nothing of interest to say anymore since my treatments are done. Who wants to hear about another person's life when they're busy living their own?

But since you're here...

I've done some Light the Night walks again this year. My first of the year was in Minnesota. It was a wonderful experience. To be in a different state, walking with people who had never been before. To see the impact it had on them was fantastic. I walked with my boyfriend, Kevin, and his parents, Chris and Duane. Kevin had been before...October of last year, he walked with my family and me in Ft. Worth. Even to see the change in him was amazing. Last October, I was just the girl he came to visit for the first time. Our relationship has far progressed since then and my cancer has become part of his life also. It affects him now (or is it "effects"? The sad thing is, I even looked up the meaning of both and STILL don't know which one to use! Help me!). We held hands at the first walk. He held my whole body at the second. And I loved it. I posted pictures to the right. Look at them.

The next walk was in Ft. Worth. I had a whole crew there. It was AWESOME!!! Pictures are also posted of that walk. Many, many thanks to Dolly, Jordan, Cheryl, Jackie, Manuel, Edith, Melissa, Kaitlyn, Brad and Jill. And eternal thanks always goes to my family: Bryan, Melony, Jacob and my mom. I was touched beyond belief that ALL of these people took time out of their lives to walk for mine and many others. Several people who couldn't walk donated money. That's just as touching. Thank you to Elaine, Melissa, Dolly, Chris and my mom. AND (oh, I'm not done yet...) my family also walks for me in Colorado Springs. Eternal thanks to Karola, Shelley and Eric too. I had/have the support of so many people during my treatments and even still. I wake up in awe some days.

I started writing this initially to talk about something else. It's a side effect that still lingers around. It's the most prominent side effect I have. Except for my labored breathing, which is sometimes better than others. It's called Chemo Brain. And it's real. Real to me and many others going through (or have gone through) treatment. Read about it here. Makes me want this shirt:

Another thing of recent discovery is the movie Crazy Sexy Cancer. It's a documentary about a woman battling cancer. I loved it!!! It seems to explain so much that I couldn't put in words. If you're interested in more info, go here.

Okay. So I should go. I really should be baking dessert for Thanksgiving since I'll be at Kevin's house until Thanksgiving morning. A much needed break with my much needed, amazing, HOT boyfriend.

Thanks for reading! Good night!

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